Learn Digital Photography – 6 Steps to Becoming a Great Wedding Photographer

In the world of photography wedding photography must rank as the most stressful and difficult photography. There are no second chances and you have to be on the mark first time all the time. If you think that you have what it takes then read on.With wedding photography you are dealing with the most important day in a couple’s life and every one of them wants it to be perfect. There is no asking them to come back to the studio for a second shoot. It is the most expensive day in many a couple’s life and it has to be right first time. So if you think that you can handle this type of pressure while keeping a cool head then just maybe wedding photography is for you. So what does a photographer need in order to shoot this type of event? What qualities and skills are necessary?1. A cool headYou are dealing with a high emotion event. People have made big decisions and paid large sums of money for a wedding and they want it to go smoothly and be a total success from A to Z. It’s your job to document it and they are relying on you.You are not going to get the attention and help you need from the organisers and planners. You are on your own and everything you have prepared up to the day has to go as planned. Your crisis is your crisis and nobody will be interested in it so work it out and carry on.2. A good plannerTalking about planning. If you are not the type of person who plans but rather shoots by the seat of your pants then go find another area of photography. Every detail of your planning has to work. There is no time for equipment breakdowns. Every minute in many weddings is planned down to the last second by the coordinators and you are just one small part. Nobody is going to help you when your plans fail. So don’t fail.3. A creative mindWedding photography is a very competitive world and if you don’t have the edge on other photographers you will not get anywhere beyond low budget weddings and the odd friend or family member. You need to come up with images that are outstanding and challenge the rest of the photographers to better. Creativity is key to this type of photography and if you don’t have it get it or get out. You will not last.4. A little bit crazyI included this point because any sane person would think twice before taking on a couple’s most important day. A normal photographer who shoots for the pure pleasure is not the person for wedding photography. If the thought of pumping adrenalin scares you then try baby photography.5. A skilled photographerThe last thing you need to be concerned about is whether you have the camera on the right setting or the right lens for the scene. If you have any doubts about your photographic ability then it’s not for you. Go shoot kids parties and other low stress events until you are totally competent with your photography and confident in your ability. Your only concerns should be regarding your planned shots and creativity. Everything else must be second nature. 6. A lot of moneyIf you are going to succeed in this business you need money or another source of income as it takes time to establish yourself in the business while creating a track record and portfolio. References and referrals are essential. You don’t just put up a sign and wait for the business to roll in. Wedding photography requires time, effort and a bit of luck in addition to the six points above. Take your time to acquire the photographic skills so that when you shoot your first wedding you are completely competent at what you do. And then, practise, practise, practise. Happy shooting